Sunday, August 29, 2010

Eczema Natural Treatments - Cure Eczema The Natural Way

Before the advent of the steroids and creams that are used to treat eczema nowadays, people of long ago used treatments that were extracted from plants. Even such natural treatments are used nowadays and most eczema sufferers prefer natural treatments to medicated treatments. Moreover, natural eczema treatments do not cause side effects like some medications do. Natural eczema treatments are superior to medication as it offers long-term relief.

Eczema is a skin inflammation that is usually triggered by an allergic reaction or is linked to genetics. The skin becomes very dry, itchy, red, and it is important not to scratch the affected areas as scratching makes the condition worse. You can treat eczema from the inside and outside. Outside methods involve creams and lotions. Treatment from within boosts the immune system; thus, offering long-term relief.

The first step in treating eczema is hydrating the skin to reduce inflammation. A lot of eczema sufferers have bad reactions to chemicals; therefore, they resort to using natural eczema treatments. The best natural eczema treatments that hydrate the skin have these key ingredients: Vitamin E Oil, hydrocotyle, vinca minor, Curcuma Tr, and Graphites 3X.

Vitamin E oil promotes skin hydration and healing. It also has anti-oxidant properties that protect cell membranes. It also helps the body utilize Vitamin K and selenium. Hydrocotyle has been used for its skin rejuvenating and wound healing properties. Vinca minor (lesser periwinkle) is useful to alleviate the intense itching. Curcuma Tr reduces histamine levels and may increase natural adrenal corticoids. Graphites 3X helps heal cracked and dry skin. It also helps to reduce the oozing discharge from swollen skin.

Now we go to the internal treatment, which is intended to boost the immune system. This makes you develop resistance from any future eczema attacks. Boosting your immune system means you have to use natural products with ingredients that include: crataegus oxycanthoides, hypoxis rooperi (African potato extract), olea europa (olive leaf extract), and agosthoma betulina (buchu).

Crategus oxycanthoides improves circulation and has antioxidant properties. Hypoxis rooperi is used as a convalescent and strengthening tonic. Olea europea has oleuropein acid that fights numerous viruses, fungi, and bacteria. Agosthoma betulina, which has diuretic properties, helps the body get rid of toxins by stimulating the secretion of excess water.

Natural treatment is the best way on how to get rid of eczema. The best way is the two step process, which benefits you by boosting your immune system and improving your overall health.

Want To Get Rid Of Your Eczema Naturally?


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